Is 60 Humidity Too High For A Basement? (Must Read)

It is necessary to maintain humidity levels in the basement to prevent mold, damp walls, mildew, etc. All the basement things stay fine when the indoor relative humidity (RH) is always below a high percentage.

60% humidity is high for a basement, as above 50 percent humidity level develops mold, damps on walls, mildew, and harmful bacteria in the air. Ideally, keep the dampness level between 30 to 50 percent.  On the other hand, Living in an area with too high humidity is not good.

If you feel the humidity level of your room is crossing a safe level, you should check it immediately. By checking levels, you could maintain the percentage at the right time without occurring to any detriment.

Let’s dive into the guide to know additionally regarding basement humidity level.

Is 60 Humidity Too High For A Basement

If Your Basement Has A Relative Humidity Of 60%, Is This A Problem, Or Is This The Norm?

If your basement’s relative humidity percentage is 60 and you manually feel there is much humidity in your cellar that is not normal and not suitable for breath, walls, and appliances. Keep it below 60 percent to avoid bacteria development in the air.

It’s verified by experts that when moisturizer level crosses the safe limit, it develops bacteria in the air and causes many harm issues. Experts recommend that you don’t stay in the too high-humidity area as these spaces contain mild and harmful particles.

Most individuals reported breathing and staying harder when their basements reached a higher level of relative humidity percentage. If you think you cannot test the RH level of your basement, get a humidity tester tool from any known or on the market.

Make sure you are trying to decline the RH level of your basement when it stays at a peak, if you don’t take care of it, you might face some serious issues as time passes.

Keeping the basement surrounding humidity free is a good habit to make it breathable, moreover, it is also suitable for your basement collection such as windows and moisturizer reactive material made objects.

The great thing is that relative humidity at higher levels can be easily controlled by a few efforts and best practices.

What Should Your Basement Humidity Level Be?

According to home improvement experts, a humidity level between 30 to 50 percent is suitable for the basement. 

However, if you had noticed your basement RH level above a safer percentage, you should have to control it immediately.

Most of the time, Individuals ignored noticeable causes of high humidity in their basements as they did not know the leading cause of high relative humidity levels. In this case, they grew up with moisturizers in their beautiful spaces.

If the humidity level of your basement is under 40 or 50 there is no need to worry, and it is a clear sign indoor air is breathable, and will not tend to develop a moisturizer, mild and damp on walls.

Most basements are likely to have high humidity levels since they are undergrounded, have concrete surroundings, and have few windows.

As we know, everyone loves comfort and surrounding freshness, so achieving this expectation becomes harder when you forget to maintain air circulation. As basements are underground spaces, they require proper mechanical ventilation to achieve a safe level of relative humidity.

If you are planning to reduce excess dampness in your indoor space, you should follow the right instructions and those tips are Turn Up the Heat, Open the Windows, Keep It Clean, Seal Up Any Gaps, etc.

What Humidity Is Too High For Basement?

60, 70, and above humidity level is too high for the basement. In simple words, when moisturizer readings cross 60, it’s considered too high. If you want a fresh surrounding environment in your space, you are required to keep the humidity level lower than the recommended maximum level.

You can manually check the too-high basement humidity level by checking a few symptoms indoors. For example,  symptoms like  Mold, Damp Walls, and Mildew become visible in the basement when a higher percentage of humidity level is reached.

An overly high humidity level causes many issues for living in the basement, including bacteria in the air, mildew on objects, and rust on the iron objects.

Basement humidity should be controlled below 60 percent – ideally between 30 percent and 50 percent, if achievable. Low humidity may also discourage pests (such as cockroaches) and dust mites.

Typically, most individuals don’t know the hidden causes of inclined moisturizer indoors, yet easy to identify. Firstly, check your room doors and air circulation system. If the doors and windows are closed, try to reopen them to decrease the amount of internal air moisturizer.

Open gaps can also help outdoor air pass indoors,  and sometimes it becomes a cause of increased dampness. Seal openings and holes in the basement walls so increasing wetness gets in control.

Basement Humidity In the Winter:

Humidity levels continually change in a year as the season changes. It seems typically moisturizer levels in the air increase during winter days. Experts recommend keeping humidity levels between 30 to 40 percent in a basement in the cold season.

Keeping doors open all day on winter days is impossible since the outdoors has a cold atmosphere and is likely to affect indoor temperature. So dehumidifiers play a worthy role in us maintaining the level of dampness in cold surroundings.

If you recently watched high or too high humidity levels in your basement in winter, you should require a dehumidifier. There are multiple benefits to keeping control of moisturizer in indoor air.

Visible mold is a clear sign of high indoor humidity levels, and if you are also detecting visible mold in your basement, it’s a perfect time to run your device. 

Get a basement dehumidifier if you frequently notice above 50 levels. If you don’t own this device, other moisturizer-controlling ways would be suitable for your requirement.

If the reading of your space’s outdoor temperature ranges from 20° F to 0° F, or 20° F to 0°, you would be required to keep your basement humidity levels between 24 – 41 percent.


A 60 percent reading of basement humidity fits in high readings. If mold, meld, and damp become observable, it’s a natural sign that moisturizer is increasing indoor air.

Take a check of your basement humidity level, whenever you feel unusual in the air. Keep the damp level under 50 percent or 40 in the case of the winter season. Rechecking habits are beneficial to maintaining the moisturizer amount in the basement air.