What Happens If You Forgot to Clean Air Fryer?

Undoubtedly, Air fryers have become a popular appliance in many households because of their ability to cook food quickly and without too much oil use. 

However, with regular use, air fryers can accumulate oil, grease, and food residue, which can affect their performance. In this article, we’ll discuss what happens if you forget to clean your air fryer and answer some common questions about air fryer cleaning.

Grease, oil, or other food residue left in the basket will create an odor in the air fryer, and when you cook something, the results may be not usual because of added odor and other waste particles. It can also cause overheating conditions in your appliance, and it may end up displaying an error code.

Let’s dive deeper into the topic of what you need to know when you forgot to clean the air fryer.

What Happens If You Forgot to Clean Air Fryer?

What Happens If We Don’t Clean Air Fryer?

If you forget to clean your air fryer after use, there are several things that can probably happen. The accumulated grease and oil can cause your air fryer to emit a foul odor, which will make your food taste and smell unpleasant. 

Moreover, the grease buildup can also affect the airflow in the air fryer, resulting in unevenly cooked food or even burnt food. If there is some oil waste stuck on the basket, it will help the unit to heat quickly and make it overheat.

A Fact is IF someone neglects to clean their air fryer, it can also cause damage to its non-stick coating. Over time, the grease and oil can stick to the coating, making it difficult to remove. This can result in scratches or damage to the coating. This will also affect the lifespan of your air fryer when the non-stick coating is ruined.

Do you know why food doesn’t stick in the basket of the air fryer? Because there is a non-stick coating on the air fryer. If by chance it gets affected, you will find stuck food there in the basket.

By understanding all the possibilities, nobody may want to ignore cleaning their appliance. Some air fryers lose their finish when the user doesn’t clean them from the outside.

Do You Need to Clean Air Fryer After Each Use?

In short, yes you must keep your air fryer clean after each use. Doing this ensures that any oil or food residue is removed, preventing the buildup of grease and oil. Additionally, this will also ensure that it remains hygienic and safe to use. Regular cleaning also extends the lifespan of your air fryer, ensuring that it continues to work efficiently.

We’ve tested that this makes the appliance long-lasting and keeps its quality substance when we clean it after a few uses. You should clean your air fryer at least three times a week, even if you’re a busy person.

Follow the below steps to clean your air fryer after each use:

  • First, unplug it from the power source and allow it to cool down. 
  • Next, remove any food residue from the basket or tray using a soft brush or sponge. 
  • You can also use warm soapy water to remove any stubborn residue. 
  • Lastly, wipe down the exterior of the air fryer with a damp cloth.

Is It OK to Not Wash Air Fryer Before First Use?

Still, you should wash your air fryer’s basket and tray before first use even it has a non-stick coating. It means if possible don’t skip this necessary step. Doing this removes any residue or dust that may have accumulated during manufacturing or storage. 

Take note that It is also important to remove any protective coating that may have been applied to the non-stick coating during manufacturing.

Moreover, this should be done to remove any residue or dust that may have accumulated during manufacturing or storage. 

We don’t know how much period the seller already has stored the unit. So, When we wash the air fryer especially if the fryer has been stored for an extended period of time, this will help to eliminate any unpleasant odors that may be present.

Here are some steps to wash an air fryer before its first use:

  • First, remove any packaging or protective films. 
  • Next, wash the basket and tray in warm soapy water, rinse thoroughly, and dry completely. 
  • Additionally, wipe down the exterior of the air fryer with a damp cloth.

How often should you deep clean your air fryer?

Every air fryer requires regular cleaning to ensure they work efficiently and last longer. While it is essential to clean the air fryer after each use, a deep clean is also necessary to remove any accumulated grease, food residue, and debris. 

A deep clean involves disassembling the air fryer and cleaning the individual components.

So how often should you deep clean your air fryer? 

Experts recommend deep cleaning your air fryer at least once a month or after every 30 uses. However, this may vary depending on the frequency of use and the type of food you cook. 

If you cook greasy or sticky foods, you may need to deep clean your air fryer more frequently.

Here’s how to deep clean your air fryer:

  1. Start by unplugging it from the power source and letting it cool down completely. 
  2. Next, remove the basket, tray, and any other removable parts from the air fryer. 
  3. Fill a sink or large bowl with warm soapy water and soak the components for about 10-15 minutes. 
  4. Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub off any stubborn residue or debris. For hard-to-reach areas, such as the heating element, you can use a toothbrush.
  5. After cleaning, rinse the components with clean water and dry them thoroughly with a clean towel or cloth. 
  6. Make sure that there is no moisture left before reassembling the air fryer. Do not immerse the air fryer’s main unit in water or use abrasive cleaners, as this may damage the appliance.


Practically. Forgetting to clean your air fryer can result in foul odors, unevenly cooked food, and even problems. It is highly recommended to clean your air fryer after each use to ensure its efficiency and lifespan. 

Washing your air fryer before first use is also important to remove any residue or protective coating. 

By following these tips, you can ensure that your air fryer remains hygienic, efficient, and safe to use.