Can Dark Kitchen Cabinets Be Painted White? (Explained)

It is excellent to know which furniture color is painted white, whether a dark cabinet or a door. By changing the color of old things, we give a new look to our furniture.

Painting cabinets also improves durability and experience.

Let’s discuss In-depth!

Here’s Should You Paint Dark Cabinets to White:

Dark Cabinets can be painted white, and preparation is the first and foremost step where you need to be perfect. You need to remove its color by using sandpaper and color remover. After prepping the counter, we use a primer first and then apply a coat of paint. Two paint coats are perfect for changing the dark color of cabinets into white.

Steps To Change Dark Cabinets to White:

You may note that when a painter paints anything, the color finish looks so beautiful. Why? Because you don’t know the exact step which a painter is known for painting furniture.

The following are steps to change dark cabinets to white:

  1. First, we need essential applicants and tools for preparation: fabric roller or paintbrush, color tray, paint, primer, sandpaper, etc. 
  2. After collecting all tools and products, be ready for the prep of the cabinet.
  3. Use sandpaper and color remover to remove dark paint from the cabinet.
  4. Take wood putty, mix with a bit of color, and apply on damaged parts. It makes the surface clean and robust. 
  5. After applying the putty, use sandpaper again and rub it on the surface.
  6. Clean the whole cabinet body to make sure there is no dust on the body. 
  7. Use a primer on the roller and start applying the primer to the cabinet.
  8. Leave the primer for drying correctly. 
  9. Now apply the first layer of white paint on the cabinet, and leave it for 4 hours for dry color. 
  10. When the first layer is done dry correctly, apply the second layer of paint. 
  11. Again leave the cabinet alone for drying color, don’t touch the cabinet for at least one day after painting. 
  12. All done! Just avoid touching the cabinet for a week. It will provide you with the best color finish. 

Note: Preparation is the main factor. Prepare the cabinet for paint; otherwise, it will not shine appropriately if you don’t prep properly.

How To Prepare Dark Cabinets to Paint?

As we discuss, preparation is essential. Knowing all steps for preparing dark cabinets for pain is also essential. If you don’t know all the steps, don’t worry! We are here to help you. Let’s discuss!

Use color remover sandpaper for removing paint. Make sure dark color is not left on the cabinet. A well equal flat surface is only recommended to paint. 

Use wood putty for fixing damages on the surface; this putty comes in powder form, mix it in paint and apply it equally to the surface. Use it only if there is any damage or no flat surface on the cabinet.

After applying the putty, could you leave it to dry? When you find the putty is dry, use sandpaper to rub the putty. It will provide the best surface for a great bond with a color.

How Much Does it Cost to Paint Dark Cabinets White?

Labour, material, and supplier cost is the sum of the total cost to paint dark cabinets. On average, it costs $3 – $12 per square foot to paint dark cabinets white. The cost varies on the quality of material, labor contract, and supplies.

The high-quality material cost higher than an average paint. A Highly experienced painter will cost more than a fresh labor person because they have more skills to provide the best paint finish.

It depends on your choice. If you choose excellent high-quality paint and other products, it costs you a little more.

Is Painting a Dark Kitchen Cabinet To White Worth It?

It’s a good habit to know the worth of anything before investing our money, time, and efforts into it.

Painting a dark cabinet is worth it to do. It saves our efforts to invest in a new white cabinet. Sometimes we change the kitchen interior to make a good profit while flipping our home for a better price and buyers demand white cabinets and other furniture. If we buy a new cabinet only for flipping home at the best price, then it’s not worth it. 

The best option is to change the color of dark cabinets by following instructions. 

It also depends on your liking; if a White cabinet is worth it to you, then painting a dark cabinet to white is worth it. Think about it before making any decision.

Is Painting Dark Kitchen Cabinets a Great Idea?

Painting dark kitchen cabinets is an excellent idea if you want different color cabinets. It costs us more when we buy new cabinets, but when we change the color by painting our old cabinets, it saves us money and effort to invest in new things.

It’s also great for repairing damaged parts, and old cabinets may get scratches which are not best for its look.

Coloring anything is also great for fixing scratches and Damages on wood. 

People who want to try different experiences with different things are those people who get bored by using a product for a long time with the exact specifications. These people like to change the color of old things to get new project experience.

Can Dark Brown Cabinets Be Painted White?

If a cabinet is a dark brown, dark black, dark green, etc., it can transform its color. In short, dark brown cabinets can be painted white. The only point is to follow painting strategies properly.

We can’t apply white paint directly on dark brown cabinets. First, we need to remove the dark color from the cabinet board.

Hiring a painter is an excellent choice if someone else is not willing to invest their time into painting anything like dark cabinets, worktops, doors, etc.

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