How to Change Instant Pot Air Fryer Celsius to Fahrenheit?

It is not a secret that we in the United States use temperature settings in Fahrenheit. However, some appliances like Instant Pot Air Fryers usually show the default factory temperature in Celsius. 

To make the work easier we have to change the Instant Pot Air Fryer from Celsius to Fahrenheit. It is simple and easy, even a child can change this setting. 

As there are different types of Instant Pot Air Fryers available, we’ve described methods to change the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and from Fahrenheit to Celsius. You can try each method according to the model.

Here’s How to change the Instant Pot Air Fryer from Celsius to Fahrenheit:

  1. Method
  1. Press the Start/Off button to Turn on the unit.
  1. Now, Press and Hold the TEMP button for 5 seconds until it beeps.
  1. Now, when you press the TEMP button after Preheating the device, the temperature range will show Fahrenheit.
  1. Method
  1. Turn on the device by pressing the Start/Off button.
  1. Press the Cancel button which puts the unit in Standby mode. The unit will show an OFF message when it is in standby mode.
  1. In Standby mode, Press and hold the PAUSE button for 5 seconds until it beeps.
  1. Now, when you press the Temp button, the default temperature will show Fahrenheit. 

Here’s How to Change the Instant Pot Air Fryer from Fahrenheit to Celcius:

  1. Turn on the device by pressing the Start/Off button.
  1. Now, Press and Hold the TEMP button for 5 seconds until it beeps.
  1. Now, When you press the Temp button, the default temperature will show in Celcius.
How to Change Instant Pot Air Fryer Celsius to Fahrenheit?

Why is Instant Pot Air Fryer Celsius?

Instant Pot Air Fryers can be found in hundreds of kitchens. This company produces many types of Air Fryers, most of the models contain unique designs, features, and price ranges, however, all of these Instant Pot Air Fryers have a default Temperature range in Celsius.

You’re seeing a temperature in Celsius because it is the default factory temperature representing a feature in all Instant Pot Air Fryers. 

However, you can change it from Celsius to Fahrenheit. American people usually use their cooking appliances in Fahrenheit temperature settings. 

Instant pot companies have their own rules and methods to design and engineer their appliances. Still, they respect the customer demands and have included a feature to change the temperature range from ℃ to ℉, and from ℉ to ℃. 

You only have to use the same keys given on the unit control panel to change the temperature to any degree. Not everyone has the same preference, these companies include features in their units after testing the market demand. 

It is not a problem when the Air Fryer is at Celsius, you just need to know what temperature range you require for cooking food. For example, you can consider this formula (1°C × 9/5) + 32 = 33.8°F) if the Air Fryer only shows temperature in Celsius. 

Just change the Celsius values. This formula represents a 1, you can change this value to any number.

Is Air Fryer Fahrenheit or Celsius?

Nowadays, Almost all Air Fryers offer a feature to set temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit. You can choose any setting you prefer.

Generally, there is no fixed rule to use an Air Fryer with only Celsius or Fahrenheit. Use can choose any degree setting for their unit. 

But, the most important thing you need to know is what the values mean in Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius. For example, 1 Celsius = 33.8 Fahrenheit. 

If you decide to use the setting from one to another, you must know how much temperature your food requires in that degree value. For example, if you were cooking food at 330.80 Fahrenheit when you cook the same food at Celsius degree, you will be required to set the temperature to 166 Celsius. 

If you have an Instant Pot Air Fryer, you just have to press the Temp button for a few seconds to change temperature degree ranges.

Eventually, it doesn’t matter whether it is Air Fryer Fahrenheit or Celsius. The only thing that matters is to set the right temperature settings. 

You must know what temperature range that food requires to be prepared by Air Fryer. If the temperature is not compatible or is incorrect it can half-cook the disk, and if it is over, it can burn the dish.

Instant Pot Air Fryer Temperature Range?

Whether you are a new user of Instant Pot Air Fryer or just want to buy one, it is necessary to know its temperature ranges. 

It becomes easier to decide which dish we can prepare in the unit when we know how much temperature it can reach minimum and maximum. 

Long story short, You can set a temperature range from 140°F to 400°F in an Instant Pot Air Fryer, which is 49℃ to 205℃ Celsius.

Use the temperature to set the temperature, once it is pressed, the default temperature will be represented on the LCD. to adjust and set the desired temperature, press the temperature adjusting keys given on one side of the LCD.

You should always consider only choosing the right temperature range for your unit. Sometimes people choose a temperature miss to see to which degree the appliance is cooking the food.

For example, if a food requires 205℃ to be prepared in an Air Fryer, but if it is cooking at 205°F, the results will not come the same as they could come at 205℃. However, you can see the temperature range on the screen of your unit when selecting TEMP.

1 thought on “How to Change Instant Pot Air Fryer Celsius to Fahrenheit?”

  1. Pingback: How to Change Nuwave Air Fryer Celsius to Fahrenheit?

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