If you’re using the Black and Decker toaster oven for the first time, you may not know how to operate it. It comes with many trays including a crumb tray. If you don’t know where the crumb tray goes in a Black and Decker toaster oven, this guide is for you. Furthermore, this company provides a variety of toaster ovens that have different user instructions.
The crumb tray should go underneath the heating element of the Black and Decker toaster oven. You can take it out or place it inside the unit there. All models have almost slide-out atom trays. However, you should check the user manual included with the model to operate correctly.
We’ve gathered important information regarding the Black and Decker toaster oven’s crumb tray in this guide that you should know to use it.

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How to Remove and Put the Crumb Tray in a Black and Decker Toaster Oven?
Generally, when we are new to any device, most of us don’t know about its use. No matter whether we are sharp enough, we have to learn about the new user manuals of new products.
As we know, Black and Decker have many types of toaster oven models. It means all the models are designed uniquely as per their model shows. First, you have to check what model of Black and Decker toaster oven you have.
You will know where you can put the crumb tray in the toaster oven when you know about its model, however, most of their toaster oven models have slide-out removable crumb trays that should be put inside the space underneath the heating element.
The Crumb tray helps the appliance to keep the floor clean by collecting and carrying prepared food residue(crumbs) on the tray surface. You should remove this try once it is filled with crumbs.
It is easy to remove and fit. Cleaning this tray is vital to keep the toaster oven underneath fresh and smell-free.
Here’s how to remove and put the crumb tray in a black and decker toaster oven:
- Look at the underneath space of the visible heating element located on the bottom side. That is the space where the crumb tray goes.
- Now hold the visible part of the tray and take it out by applying force outward.
- Clean the tray with a piece of clean cloth, and warm water. Don’t use detergent as a cleaner for the crumb trays. Detergent or artificial cleaner may make the tray smell.
- Be sure the crumb tray is dried and ready to put back into the toaster oven.
- Hold it from the center and put it back where you removed it. All done!
How to Use a Crumb Tray in a Black and Decker Toaster Oven?
Technically, the food crumb gets collected on the crumb tray automatically when the toaster oven is running and preparing food. You just have to put the crumb tray in the toaster oven.
The appliance itself does all the left work. However, the device will not automatically remove the crumb tray to throw the food crumbs out of the tray. The user has the responsibility to remove and put the crumb tray back into the oven.
The use of a crumb tray is the same in all types of toaster ovens whether it is manufactured by Black And Decker or Breville etc. the design of the toaster oven could make a crumb tray location difference between a variety of toaster oven models.
Once the crumb tray is put inside the toaster oven, it is ready to use. Cook, bake and toast whatever you want to prepare. If the food through crumbs while getting prepared, its crumb will automatically go down on the tray.
Furthermore, it’s important to know how often you should clean the crumb tray. Many manufacturers recommend making a cleaning plan based on how frequently you use the toaster oven.
Because the more you cook food in the toaster oven, the more crumbs get collected on the crumb tray. On average, you should clean it after preparing a few recipes.
Does Every Black And Decker Toaster Oven Have a Crumb Tray?
The use of a crumb tray is necessary to keep the crumbs collected in one place and to prevent crumbs from falling on the floor. It also helps us to remove food residue easily in a few seconds. That is the reason it is important to have a crumb tray designed for every toaster oven.
In simple words, every Black-And-Decker toaster oven has a removable crumb tray. You should read the user manual of your toaster oven to know more about the accesses of any Black and Decker oven.
This is a must-have part of every toaster oven. Basically, it has the same dimensions as the appliance surface. It means if the appliance food preparing space has a 5-inch length surface, the crumb tray is designed in the same length. It covers the whole area underneath the heating element.
Final Thought
You can follow the user manual included with your Black-and-Decker toaster oven model to know the use and locations of all its parts. However, try to look underneath the bottom heating element, there will be a crumb tray that collects all the food crumbs.
As some appliances are designed differently, you should check the tray in the recommended place and also under the door bottom.