Some people like to do laundry inside the kitchen or basement, and the one crucial challenge they face is draining washer waste. Not every homeowner needs the preinstalled draining system because sometimes we have to drain a washer into a sink and a slump pump pipeline.
If you’re thinking of draining your washer into a sink, this guide will help you to complete this work. However, there are some points you need to follow during the process.
Yes, you can drain a washer into a sink. Most users put their device drain hose pipe into a utility sink to make it easier to out wastewater. However, you have to choose the right-sized sink to prevent the overflow of water. Put the drain hose pipe inside the sink, and use thread to secure the trough hose near the empty connection.
We’ve gathered the necessary information in this article to help you to drain your washer into a sink.

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How to Drain a Washing Machine into a Sink?
Draining a washing machine into a sink is a simple task if done correctly. However, it becomes difficult when we do this in the wrong way. In this section, we have described everything you need to know to drain a washing machine into a sink in 7 steps.
Here’s how to drain a washing machine into a sink:
- First, you have to place the washing machine close to the sink, and validate that the drain hose pope can go into the sink easily.
- Hold the drain hose end and put it into the sink.
- Use a tread or a rope to temporarily fit the washer drain pipe into the sink.
- Tie the drain hose with a faucet or sink tap with the use of a thread.
- If you want to fit the washer drain hose pipe into the sink, you can approach a plumber and ask him to make a suitable adapter diverter water pipe switching valve.
- Complete a wash cycle and test if the washer is properly draining into the sink or not.
- If the gray water comes out of the sink, you need to choose a big-capacity sink like a utility sink. All done!
However, you have to have a type of sink where you do not wash food items such as vegetables or fruits.
If you drain the washer in a sink where you wash fruit items, it is not acceptable for preparing meals since clothes-washing-waste-waster may include germs.
Can you Connect Washer Drain to Sink Drain?
When it comes to draining the waste from water to a drain, some individuals think they can directly connect the washer drain hose pipe to the sink drain pipe, which is totally wrong to do.
A person should have to follow the correct instruction that a professional plumber applies and recommends.
Technically, you cannot connect the washer drain to the sink drain because there will be constantly a risk of overflow. It means you should have to drain a washing machine’s wastewater directly to the sink, not to its drain system. If you choose to connect the washer drain to the sink drain system, it’s become challenging for the sink pipe to handle the waste discharge rate of the washer, resulting in overflow.
The best practice is to avoid connecting the washer drain hose pipe directly to the sink drain pipe. Moreover, you have to consider the space in your sink.
As most sinks do not come in equal sizes like utility sinks, If you have a utility sink, use that may help you a lot in draining a washer.
It is common to develop a clog inside the sink drains because they face food waste and other kitchen waste particles.
Once the sink drain is clogged, it prevents washer waste to run through the draining system, and an overflow of water will be developed.
When you drain the washer into a sink, the sink handles the water’s high volume and discharge rate by carrying waste inside its body while water is through its drain system.
Sinks usually have 1 – 2 inches of pipe that are not enough to support a washer drain flow, so you always have to drain the washing machine’s gray water correctly.
Why do Some Washing Machines Drain into a Sink?
If you recently visited a home where you have seen a washer drain hose draining water inside a sink, you may wonder why they’re doing that. Let’s discuss why?
Some people have limited drawing system connections in the house. Some houses commonly have drain connections in the laundry room or outside.
When someone wants to install their washer in the utility room, kitchen, or in the basement, and they don’t have a drain connection for the washer in those areas, they use their sink for drawing water waste.
A sink is an excellent appliance to do dishes and drain gray water. As long as your sink drain is clean, you can drain a washing machine into a sink.
Verify that the sink size is enough to carry the water discharge rate of the drain hose.
If you have the right floor drain for the washer, you can use that rather than using your sink. However, the floor drain should have a 4 – 5 inch pipe, so it will handle the flow of gray water and prevent overflow.
Make sure you don’t hook up the washer drain hose directly to the sink drain, and if you do, it can create an overflow of water, and the washer’s gray water will come back into the sink.
To avoid any issue regarding water overflow, go with utility sink usage for washer draining.
Running Washer Drain into Utility Sink?
Utility sinks are typically big and have more capacity to carry water than standard sinks.
Almost every house in the United States has utility sinks. Commonly we don’t use these sinks in kitchens, which means we can use them for draining waste water.
It is okay if the washer drain runs into a utility sink. Utility sinks are used primarily for cleaning and soaking clothes, we can run gray water into them.
At the end of the wash cycle, washers usually throw out approx 60 liters of gray water in a single time. This water discharge rate can be handled by the capacity of utility sinks, not by standard sinks.
Bottom line
Your sink must be able to carry the washer water discharge rate. However, you can run the washer drain hose into the utility sink. The washer should be placed near the sink and the drain pipe can easily reach the sink to do this method. Keep the drain clean to use this draining method as long as you want.