There are various ways to clean copper, but vinegar is the best affordable solution to clean copper sink at home. If you’re looking for an under-budget cleaning solution, vinegar is the first option for you.
If you don’t want to tarnish on the copper sink and clean the copper sink with vinegar, then this guide is for you. We also described how to create a beautiful patina using household vinegar. The great thing is that all the Below told steps are a time saver and easy to follow.
Let’s dive into the guide!
Table of Contents
Here Are Steps To Clean Copper Sink With Vinegar:
- Required Things: Water, Sodium bicarbonate, Table Salt (NaCl), Vinegar, Two mugs.
- Take a cup and fill it with water.
- Now take Sodium bicarbonate and put at least two spoons of sodium bicarbonate in a mug of water.
- Try to mix the sodium bicarbonate into the water by shaking sufficiently.
- Take a cup or container for Salt and vinegar solution.
- Add One tablespoon of Salt into the 2nd Mug.
- Now take a vinegar bottle and add it to the 2nd Mug of Salt.
- Shake the key under the 2nd Mug to mix vinegar with Salt in the 2nd Mug.
- Apply vinegar solution on the copper sink for at least 5 minutes.
- After 5 minutes, now take the sodium bicarbonate solution and rub it on the copper sink to neutralize the acid.
- Clean the sink with water, and you will see your copper sink is now perfectly cleaned with vinegar.
These steps are proven to clean every copper product, which means you can use the steps mentioned above to clean any copper product.
Note: Bicarbonate is essential for neutralizing the acid; if you don’t use it after applying vinegar solution, the acid erodes the surface of the copper.

Can You Use Vinegar On Copper Sinks?
There is no doubt vinegar is the best solution for cleaning metals for the reverse shine of any copper product. You may get surprised by knowing that you can easily clean copper sinks with vinegar plus salt solution. This means you can use vinegar on copper sinks also in your kitchen.
No copper lover wants to have unwanted patina changes on his copper product. When time passes, copper develops a patina layer over time, making copper sinks look dirty and old.
If you’re a shiny patina copper lover, then make sure you’re cleaning and protecting your kitchen copper sink at least twice a week.
If your budget is low and you want to make copper cleaning affordable by not hiring any individual to do this work, then vinegar solution is the only number one option.
Just make sure you’re following all steps described earlier in this guide to ensure you will get the best results. Keep in mind that vinegar is not the only product to clean copper. We also need salt and sodium bicarbonate to complete cleaning with vinegar.
People who used vinegar earlier for cleaning silver etc., are well known for its effortless use and advantages. If you didn’t use it before, don’t worry. You will be an expert in cleaning copper sinks after using vinegar once.
Does Vinegar Make Copper Shiny?
Shiny copper is why copper-made products look beautiful and royal. Every copper products owner wants to keep copper shiny for years. People use vinegar and Acetic acid solutions to make copper shiny. Vinegar is an affordable solution to make copper shiny again.
The shine of copper becomes dull over time as its face reacts with oxygen from the air. Copper oxides are two combined elements to form dark chemicals. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which dissolves these chemicals and makes the copper surface shiny.
You can use steps to clean copper to reverse its shine. More applications of vinegar are proven to make copper shinier. But make sure you’re using vinegar properly with the right amount for specific areas to create a penny shine. Peoples who use these sinks have problems like copper sinks scratch easily and lose their shine.
The process of making copper shiny with vinegar is similar to painting a thing, which means you need to apply two-three applications of vinegar on copper like multiple coats of color on an item. Apply vinegar at least three times to get better penny shine on copper.
Things with their shine have high selling and overvaluation price, which provides the best ROI to the product owner. Making shine on kitchen appliances is also compulsory for creating a beautiful appliance design.
A copper product without shine makes the surroundings look old and dull. When it shines, then it creates a new environment. It will make kitchen sinks look fresh when the penny becomes shiny again.
Will Vinegar Remove Tarnish From Copper Sink?
Tarnish on copper sinks is not remarkable for its beauty and the beauty is another reason people use copper-made sinks in their kitchens. Tarnish removes penny shine over time, and it is perceived as a brown or black coloration on the surface, so it’s compulsory to treat it with cleaning.
Vinegar removes tarnish from the copper sink by cleaning unwanted patina and tarnish layer from its surface. Vinegar Salt mixture reacts on the surface, and then bicarbonate neutralizes the acid, which causes shine on the copper sink.
The pros of using vinegar sink cleaner are less time-consuming, affordable, and easy to implement. We only need to remove tarnish from the copper sink is vinegar sink cleaner solution, and proper guidance to implement. Patina is the second name of tarnish on copper, which copper develops by a reaction that results in copper oxide.
Here are Steps to Remove Tarnish from Copper Sink with Vinegar:
- Take water in a container
- Mix well vinegar and water in a container.
- Take a sponge and wet sponge in the vinegar solution.
- Scrub damp sponge at stains and discolorations, using a gentle, circular motion.
- Repeat this process until the copper becomes shiny and tarnish-free again.
You can also apply the steps mentioned above to remove tarnish from any copper product. Just make sure you will not skip any action during the cleaning process.