Can You Put An Outdoor Kitchen Next To The House?

Deciding outdoor kitchen location is the primary step in its creation. However, some people new to outside projects commonly don’t know about necessary things to consider while selecting a place.

If you found yourself asking; can you put an outdoor kitchen next to the house? This guide is for you. We’ve described every necessary information regarding choosing an outdoor kitchen location.

An outdoor kitchen can be placed next to the house only if the necessary reserves are available, such as water, gas, electricity, and drain supplies. A roof is also needed. However, most people install it on the side of their houses and in the backyard.

During outdoor kitchen placement and location selection, follow the below-described steps. Let’s dive into the guide.

Can You Put An Outdoor Kitchen Next To The House?

Outdoor Kitchen Location & Placement?

Behind the establishment of an outdoor kitchen, people have different goals. Some individuals build it up for growing the value of their house, some for adding beauty to their yard, and some for get-togethers.

So how to choose an outdoor kitchen location? The answer is here:

A person should keep an eye on some instructions and points before establishing their outside kitchen in their house yard, side, or front.

  • Necessary Connections: A correct outdoor place has gas, water, and electricity supply and especially a drain connection to drain the sink’s wastewater. If the front of your house has all the must-have supply connections, you can consider placing your new outdoor kitchen there. You can take the help of a professional to create a proper foundation plan for your upcoming project. If you have done this project before, it might be easy for you to understand the basic needs of a kitchen location. 
  • View: Whether your goal is to add beauty to a vacant space by adding an outdoor kitchen or not, you must consider how the space will look after you place this project. Try to choose a place where it will fit properly with the other things and your guest will appreciate you for this. Make sure it will follow proper architecture, so placed things will look fantastic and create a peaceful view.
  • Distance: Outdoor kitchen should be 10 to 15 feet far from your indoor kitchen. However, you should follow your local or state house ministry guidelines regarding the building codes. If you’re planning to add it in front, the location distance might be short as recommended by experts.
  • Must-Have Pieces of Equipment: appliances like range, smoker, pizza oven, kegerator, grills, stove, etc are the beauty of outdoor kitchens. You should place every appliance in the right order. As grills produce heat, make sure the flame will not get in contact with other items. Follow professional DIY outdoor kitchen ideas to arrange your appliances in the correct order.
  • Permit or Permission: some states and areas have special fixed rules for building projects on private properties. First, visit the outdoor kitchen of a person who already installed it. Ask them for advice. Verify that it should be in your area.
  • A Shade: a roof, umbrella, or pergola is necessary to provide safety to your outdoor kitchen. Outside, climate changes and moisturizing are common. Let’s suppose you have an outdoor kitchen and rain comes. Rainwater can damage your outdoor appliances, that’s why you need shade for your project. The location should be covered and should be correct.

How Far Should an Outdoor Kitchen be from the House?

Theoretically, outdoor kitchens have no fixed distance numbers from anything but have some average numbers. Most people have a lot of backyard space. They generally establish a kitchen near one corner of the fence.

Your outdoor kitchen should be 10 to 20 feet far from your house and have a nice place for appliance placement. 

If space is less, you can also establish it with the outwall of the house building. But consider that the grill should be placed 3 to 4 feet far from the walls.

Most grills and stoves release high flames that can burn things if things are placed too near to them.

If you’re putting the outside kitchen in your house side or backyard, put it on one side; right or left. 

Doing this will save space and make the area look pretty. If your yard is small and you will place this project in its center, it will create a barrier in your place. And that’s why choosing a side is necessary for small areas.

Most outdoor kitchen projects and designs cover space equal to a living room. You should analyze the space required for your outdoor kitchen chosen design. 

However, if we can choose the right distance between the house and the outside kitchen, 3 to 20 feet is enough. If you already have selected a place, you can take the help of a professional to check the correctness of the location.

Outdoor Kitchen Space Requirements?

The outdoor kitchen space should be big and have enough space to place every necessary gadget or appliance. On average the space area should be equal to a living room or inside the kitchen. 

Commonly we require a space area larger than a standard inside the kitchen because we will add seating outside for enjoying with friends. In simple words, it requires good space equal to your inside kitchen.

This space must have a water pipeline, gas supply, drain system, and power connection. A sink is a necessary appliance in the kitchen whether the kitchen is inside or outside of the house. 

Sinks required water and a drain line to drain wastewater. Gas range requires gas as a fuel source and electronics need a power connection.

Outdoor Kitchen against the House?

It may inspire you to have an outdoor kitchen against the house if you have seen someone else has done it. People add grills in front of their houses, they just have to ensure safety and view.

Some people prefer the backyard, some house side or some front to put an outdoor kitchen in their house. If you also want to add it to your house’s front, concentrate on getting the right establishment. 

Some people had problems with house front outdoor kitchen projects because they did the installation without following experts’ advice. 

Fortunately, you can reach a local construction expert to take advice.

Final Thoughts

It is possible to have an outdoor kitchen next to a house. It should be constricted by keeping an eye on necessary things. There will be a shade, and connections like water, gas, power, and drain system. Don’t forget local building codes and must take advice from the nearest outdoor kitchen owner.