How to Use Time Saver on Indesit Washing Machine?

Doing laundry can often be a time-consuming task, especially when you have a lot of clothes to wash. Fortunately, modern washing machines like Indesit come with various features that can help you save time such as the Time Saver function. 

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how to use the Time Saver on an Indesit washing machine, so you can save time and enjoy clean clothes with minimal effort.

How to Use Time Saver on Indesit Washing Machine?

What does Time Saver mean on Indesit Washing Machine?

Most Indesit washing machines come with a convenient Time Saver feature that allows users to reduce the wash cycle time for lightly soiled cotton and synthetic fabrics. By adjusting the drum rotation, temperature, and water level, this feature enables you to save time, water, and electricity while still achieving excellent cleaning results.

How to Use Time Saver on Indesit washing machine: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Load the Machine Properly

It is necessary for you to load your washing machine properly before using the Time Saver feature. You should not overload or underload the washing machine, and if you need more detail on the loading machine, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Overloading the machine can lead to poor cleaning results while underloading wastes water and energy.

Step 2: Select the Appropriate Wash Cycle

Select the wash cycle that best suits your load. Indesit washing machines typically offer several wash cycles, including cotton, synthetics, and delicate fabrics. Choosing the right cycle will help you achieve optimal cleaning results. Make sure to use the cycle which will be suitable for the load that you’ve added to the drum.

Step 3: Activate the Time Saver Feature

Once you have selected the appropriate wash cycle, look for the Time Saver button on the control panel. Simply Press the Time Saver button to activate the feature. This will automatically adjust the drum rotation, temperature, and water level to reduce the wash cycle time for lightly soiled cotton and synthetic fabrics. Keep in mind that this feature is not suitable for all types of fabric, especially not for heavy garments.

Step 4: Add the Right Amount of Detergent

Now, you have to add the right amount of detergent to the machine. This is necessary and correct to always use detergent amount and type according to load. We recommend using a liquid detergent and measuring it out according to the load quantity. However, You should also follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid using too much or too little detergent.

Step 5: Start the Wash Cycle

Once you have added the detergent, close the machine’s door and press the start button to begin the wash cycle. The Time Saver feature will automatically adjust the drum rotation, temperature, and water level to reduce the cycle time while still ensuring excellent cleaning results.

Step 6: Remove the Clothes and Enjoy the Savings!

Now remove the clothes from the machine and hang or fold them as appropriate after the wash cycle is complete. By using the Time Saver feature, you can save time, water, and electricity while still achieving excellent cleaning results.

Can We Use Time Saver on Indesit Washing Machine?

Whether you can use or not the timer saver on your Indesit washing machine depends on your decision. However, after understanding the pros and cons of this feature, you can easily make the decision to use it.


  • Saves time: the name of this option directly says it helps in saving time. This feature reduces the wash cycle time for lightly soiled cotton and synthetic fabrics, allowing you to complete your laundry tasks more quickly.
  • Saves water and electricity: This is not a secret that by reducing the wash cycle time, we can save electric power. Practically, the Time Saver feature helps to save water and electricity, making it an eco-friendly option for your laundry needs.
  • Still provides excellent cleaning results: Despite the shorter wash cycle time, the Time Saver feature still provides excellent cleaning results for lightly soiled cotton and synthetic fabrics.


  • Not suitable for heavily soiled items: You cannot use this helpful feature for all types of load sizes. The Time Saver feature is designed for lightly soiled cotton and synthetic fabrics only. If you’ve heavily soiled items, you may need to use a longer wash cycle to achieve optimal cleaning results.
  • May not work for all fabrics: While the Time Saver feature is suitable for most cotton and synthetic fabrics, it may not work for all fabrics. You must check the care label on your clothes before using this feature to avoid damage to delicate fabrics.

How Long Does a Time Saver Wash Take?

The Time Saver feature on Indesit washing machines is designed to reduce the wash cycle time. However, The actual duration of the wash cycle with the Time Saver feature will depend on various factors such as the size of the load, the level of soiling, and the selected wash cycle.

Typically, the Time Saver feature can reduce the wash cycle time by up to 30%. For example, if a regular cotton wash cycle takes 40 minutes, this feature can reduce the wash cycle time to around 28 minutes. This means you can complete your laundry tasks more quickly and save water and electricity.

The only notable thing to note is that the Time Saver feature can’t save time in washing heavily soiled items or delicate fabrics. 

In case you have heavily soiled items, you will need to use a longer wash cycle to achieve optimal cleaning results. 

Similarly, delicate fabrics may require a gentler wash cycle, which may not be compatible with the Time Saver feature.


The Time Saver feature on Indesit washing machines is a helpful feature and a great way to save time and energy while still ensuring excellent cleaning results. By following the steps outlined above and loading the machine properly, you can use Time Saver effectively and enjoy the savings it offers.