Every error code displayed on Bella Air Fryer shows a fault and alerts the user to fix the issue. If the faults come off while cooking, it stops the appliance and leaves the dish half cooked. So every user should know all Bella air fryer error codes. As there are many fault codes, each has its unique fix method.
You’ve to troubleshoot the device according to the error as soon as possible, thus your appliance will start working again and doesn’t assume uselessly.
Here is the list of Bella Air Fryer Error Codes:
- E1
- E002
- Not Lock
- The Unit Stopped working under Pressure Cook mode
- Not Pot
- The unit is not Working Under Air Fry mode
Let’s understand their cause and solutions.

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Below are the Causes of Bella Air Fryer Error Codes along with their Fixes:
If the unit has safety features that shut off it by itself when the system encounters abnormal conditions while running. the system detects the abnormal condition and shows an error code according to its encountered issue. Users can restart the unit, once they fix the addressed cause.
Let’s Dive Deeper into Each Error Code of Bella Air Fryers:
Reason: The device is facing an open sensor issue or it requires to let it adjust to room temperature. In addition, if you were using the unit at ambient temperature, this issue is normal to get. Make sure the device is connected to the right outlet. In case you heard a pop sound, there would be an internal electrical issue which would cause a power issue in the unit. Power issues can also cause E1 error codes in air fryers.
Turn off the unit and let it rest for at least 20 minutes. This will allow the unit to cool down and the heating issue will get reset. Make sure the basket is inserted properly. Clean the device, so the sensor that detects the basket would not have a problem detecting the basket.
Reason: the food inserted in the basket is too less or is overfilled. Your Bella air fryer can show this error when the food inside the basket is not at an abnormal level. The temperature can affect the cooking result if overheating burns less quantity. However, half filled is fine. On the other hand, overfilling can cause overheating and leakage issues.
If the basket is overfilled, you should remove some food from it and try to cook the meal in reps and batches to avoid overfilling. In case the food is less than halfway, use the customized temperature which will be compatible. You can half-fill the basket, hence the E2 error code on the air fryer will not come again.
Not Lock
Reason: The unit sensor detected that the top lid is open and the device will not run until the lid is not locked properly. Close the Lid properly so that it is in the open position. This error code can only show in several Bella Pro series appliances according to their model number. If the lid seems closed, consider checking it as it should be locked as well.
As per the model number, there’s a lid knob to securely close the lid. If this error code is displaying on your unit, lock the lid. To do this: Open and then Close the lid. Once it is closed, turn the lid knob clockwise. This will securely close the lid and the NOT LOCK error code will be clear.
Unit Stopped Working Under Pressure Cook Mode
Reason: You just dialed the pressure sook mode on the control panel, but the pressure plate should be pleased properly in the basket so the appliance activates the Pressure Cool mod. The unit detects the pressure plate is not properly inserted, thus it will not run until the pressure plate is not inserted as it should.
Turn off the device and open the lid. If the air fry gate is not removed, remove it. Hold the plate handle and insert the pressure plate in the basket. Note: Must remove the air fry gate before using pressure cook mode and placing the pressure plate.
Not Pot
Reason: This error only comes in Bella pro series air fry pressure cook appliances. There is a cooking pot in the basket that should be inserted correctly to connect it to the heating plate. If your Bella unit shows NOT POT, the Cooking pot was not inserted correctly. However, fixing it is simple.
Turn off the appliance and open the lid. Now Gently push the pressure pot down into
the unit until the pot touches the heating plate. The heating plate is on the bottom of the unit. This error is usually experienced by new users as some individuals forget to read the user manual. Must read the user manual if you didn’t.
Unit Is Not Working Under Air Mode
Reason: is the pressure plate removed? It means you may have not removed the pressure plate and have not inserted the air fry gate in the unit. In another case, you may have not inserted the air fry gate properly in the unit. The unit stopped working as it encountered the air fry gate not being inserted. However, if the air fry gate is inserted, be sure it is inserted properly.
Remove the pressure plate if it is not removed when air fry mode is selected. If the plate is hot, use its handle to remove it. Once the pressure plate is removed, put the air fry gate inside the unit.
Bottom Line
Bella Air fryers are gaining hype, they turn off by themselves when the system encounters malfunctioning. As a user, you have to implement a recommended solution for each unique error code. In case the appliance is not turning on and the error remains after fixing as recommended by the company, you can contact the manufacturer’s support for a possible fix.