Do Quartz Countertops Feel Cold? (Explained)

Homeowners who are thinking of investing in quartz countertops or people who never used quartz before are confused about the feel of quartz.

Using the right item is necessary to feel relaxed in kitchen work. Countertops play a helpful role in our kitchen tasks. Our work becomes easy when the countertop feels suitable for us.

Weather and kitchen temperature can also change the feel of every appliance material, but some materials always stay cooler to touch at normal room temperature.

Quartz countertops feel cooler to the touch, they’re not natural stones but they act like a stone. Its surface and mass instantly pull heat away from the skin. Our brain perceives a cold feel signal when we touch a man-made stone. They can also crack If we put them at a high cold temperature. Extreme cold & heat both can damage quartz.

do quartz countertops feel cold

Are Quartz Countertops Cold to the Touch?

In winter every kitchen appliance senses cold. If you want to recognize the actual feel of an item, you have to touch it at standard room temperature.

Quartz countertops are artificial stones. The stone surface instantly pulls heat out from our skin and our brain senses a signal of a cold surface. Some natural stones are warmer than quartz such as granite.

Granite is also a high-demand natural stone countertop but in reality, it feels less cool than quartz.

Countertops are really helpful for every kitchen worker, it helps us to do different work tasks such as cutting veggies, putting items, maintaining workflow, etc.

If a person wants to have a cool countertop then the stone-made countertops are best for them.

We found some valuable results in our personal research and customer reviews. So what are these results – we found that granite countertops are warmer, but quartz is cool. But if we place quartz at a very cold temperature, it may crack or break.

Caring is very important for quartz users. If you just need quartz because it feels cool then think twice before investing. First, learn all about quartz countertops, and make sure it’s a perfect match for you?

On the other hand, quartz countertops are not super cool to touch, they have normal cold feel abilities.

Why Do Quartz Countertops Feel Cold?

No doubt that quartz countertops feel cold when we touch them at normal room temperature. 

The main reason they do feel cold is that the surface of quartz is made of man-made stone which contains plastic pigments and quartz 90℅-95%. Its material upper layer always stays cooler. 

When we touch it with our hand, the skin reduces heat and the mass of stone develops signals to the brain that the stone is cooler.

You may feel that quartz and glass surfaces feel common when we touch them. But they’re not the same in manufacturing materials. 

In forums and communities, people are discussing how they can choose a perfect feel countertop, but in the end, we found quartz crystal countertops have more popularity.

The material of any product is responsible for its feel. Different materials feel different to touch. Sometimes quality changes the game of feel when we have the same material items.

You may notice that sometimes two same things which are made of the same material feel different to touch. It happened because build quality also matters when it comes to the finish, look and touch feel of any item.

Having great quality quartz is also essential to taste a cooler feel from countertops.

Which Countertops Are Colder Granite or Quartz?

Quartz is colder than granite, granite feels warm to the touch. Granite is a natural product which is a natural stone, but quartz is unnatural which means they’re made by professional people.

Climate change also has different effects on both types of countertops. As we discussed quartz material pulls away from the heat from the skin but the granite material doesn’t.

If you’re confused about which type of countertop material will be suitable for you, visit your nearby home improvement store and test which will work for you.

The quality of granite or quartz countertops also plays a reasonable role in their durability and feel of touch. 

Experts said “don’t choose a countertop material just because of its feel, a better design is an outcome of every test checkup” so what does every test check-up mean? Let’s discuss!

Every test checkup means: You have to check every point of the countertop like finish, build quality, heat resistance ability, etc. 

Does Quartz Always Stay Cold?

Nature is full of climate changes, some months are hot in summers & some are cold in winters. 

The Natural climate plays the main role in quartz feel, if you’re using it in the hot summer season then it will feel normal or warm to touch. But if the climate is normal or colder, quartz will feel cooler and it means quartz does not always stay cold.

It’s a crystal substance product, it stays cooler, but not always. You will feel it warm in the hot season, we can’t say it is always a cooler material.

The number one thing we have to check is the quality of quartz, if the quality is excellent then the feel, look, finish and durability is also fine.

The feel of quartz totally changes if we put a too hot item on it. So if you want to make them all-time cold, you have to complete its care tasks also.

Is Quartz Countertop Colder Than Glass?

Glass and quartz both are artificial materials but they belong to different substance categories.

Glass is an amorphous substance but quartz is a crystalline substance. Crystalline substances conduct heat better which means quartz feels colder than glass.

Many studies show that quartz gets much cooler in minus temperatures, you also need a heater in your kitchen if you want no brokerage issues with it.

Extreme cold weather is also not great for quartz-made things.

If you don’t have anything to maintain the kitchen temperature, don’t worry! It’s not necessary. 

Quartz is also stronger than glass, glass breaks easily with some force but quartz doesn’t.

Keep in mind, Glass is a type of material that is purely amorphous, but quartz belongs to its opposite material. 

Glass material gets heated easily and damages quickly in contact with heat, but quartz is more heat resistant than glass.

Can You Put a Hot Cup of Tea on Quartz?

Yes, you can put a hot cup of tea on quartz without any worry. Hot cups of tea or hot coffee cups are below 150F temperature. 

Keep in mind that below 150F temperature items cannot crack or melt quartz countertops.

If your pots or pans are too hot, keep trying to avoid putting them on the countertop. Sometimes we don’t know how much quality our countertop contains. 

When we have a less quality countertop, the risk of damage by heat is always high.

A normal temperature cannot reduce the quality of the countertop surface, just make sure you’re taking care.


Quartz material belongs to the crystalline substance category. Its mass instantly and its surface pull away from our hands, our brain perceives a signal which tells us the quartz countertop is cold.

House owners always compare the feel of quartz vs granite countertops, but they always get the same answer which informs them which material is suitable for their area.

Don’t expect an all-time cooler feel from quartz. It will make it warm If the room temperature is too hot.

Climate matters, quality matters, feel matters!