Like new-generation washers, Gorenje washing machines show alerts by displaying error codes on the LCD. One such error code that may appear on your Gorenje washing machine is E10. In this article, we’ll describe everything about the Gorenje washer E10 error code, from what does this error code mean, and how can you fix it?
Typically, like most washers, the E10 Error code on your Gorenje washing machine is indicating that the water level sensor detected a problem with the water level inside the drum. You just need to accurately the water level, it will fix this issue from the display.
Let’s understand how you can resolve the E10 on your Gorenje washer.

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What is E10 Error Code on Gorenje Washing Machine?
In simple words, The E10 error code on your Gorenje washing machine indicates a water level sensor error. This error code is triggered when the washing machine’s sensor detects that there is a problem with the water level inside the machine.
The possible causes behind this problem are several, let’s discuss each in depth:
- Faulty components: Just like any other piece of machinery, the components inside a machine can wear out or malfunction over time. If a critical component like a water level sensor or valve is not working correctly, it can lead to issues with the water level.
- Clogs and blockages: Blockages in the water supply, inlet hose, and mesh filter can cause the water level to rise or fall unexpectedly.
- Sensor and control issues: The sensors and controls inside a machine play a crucial role in regulating the water level. If they’re not working correctly, it can throw the whole system off balance.
- Water pressure: Fluctuations in water pressure can impact the water level inside a machine. If the water pressure is too low, the machine may not fill up properly.
How to Fix E10 Error Code on Gorenje Washing Machine?
If you see the E10 error code on your Gorenje washing machine, you probably need to work on it to clear away it. The first step to fixing the error is to reset the machine.
Here are the steps to reset your Gorenje washing machine:
- Turn off the washing machine and unplug it from the power source.
- Wait for 5-10 minutes before plugging the machine back in.
- Turn on the washing machine and try to run a cycle.
If the error code persists, then it’s likely that there’s a problem with the water level sensor.
Here’s how you can fix the Water level sensor:
- Safety first: Before you begin, unplug your Gorenje washing machine from the power source and turn off the water supply.
- Access the sensor: Depending on your washing machine’s model, you may need to remove the top, rear, or side panels to access the sensor. You can also refer to the user manual for specific instructions for your model.
- Disconnect the wiring: Once you have access to the sensor, disconnect the wiring harness or connectors that connect the sensor to the control board.
- Remove the sensor: Next, remove the sensor from the washing machine. It may be held in place by screws, clips, or brackets. Take note of how it’s secured before removing it to make it easier to reinstall later.
- Get a new part: if the sensor is faulty, you will need to get a new one. To do this, you will need to get a new sensor according to the model number of your washer.
- Install the new sensor: once you have the new sensor, Place it in the same position as the old one and secure it with the screws or clips.
- Reconnect the wiring: Reconnect the wiring harness or connectors to the new sensor.
- Reassemble the machine: Replace any panels or covers you removed earlier.
- Test the machine: Plug the machine back in and turn on the water supply. Run a test cycle to ensure that the new sensor is working correctly.
Once you’ve fixed the water level sensor, reassemble the washing machine and test it to ensure that the error code is resolved.
Gorenje Washing Machine Error Codes:
If you’re a user of this appliance, it might be beneficial to understand and know about the error codes you can encounter. Each error has an uncommon cause and solution according to reason. In addition to the E10 code, E09, E4, and E5 are other common errors you can find with this appliance.
The following are Gorenje Washing Error Codes along with their reasons:
- E10: Machine’s sensor detects that there is a problem with the water level inside the machine
- E09: Typically indicates a problem with the machine’s leak detection system.
- E4: an indication that something is wrong with the machine’s water supply.
- E5: The washing machine has detected a drainage issue.
Note: The error codes we mentioned can be reasons why something isn’t working right, but there might be other reasons too. We made this list after studying and testing, but because every unit is different, you have to check what’s causing the problem yourself.
It is not a secret that seeing the E10 error code on your Gorenje washing machine may make you worried when you don’t know what it is. Now you know it just indicates a water level sensor error and If you encounter this error, you can fix it by just resetting the machine first.
However, If the error persists, then there’s likely an issue with the water level sensor, which can be fixed by cleaning or replacing it.